Global COVID-19 cases top 4.7 million: Johns Hopkins

18 May,2020 10:36 AM IST |  Washington  |  IANS

As of Monday morning, the total number of cases stood at 4,713,620, while the death toll increased to 315,185, the University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) revealed in its latest update


The overall number of global coronavirus cases has increased to over 4.7 million, while the death toll has surpassed 315,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University.

As of Monday morning, the total number of cases stood at 4,713,620, while the death toll increased to 315,185, the University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) revealed in its latest update.

The US currently accounts for the world's highest number of cases and deaths at 1,486,515 and 89,562, respectively.

In terms of cases, Russia has the second highest number of infections at 281,752, followed by the UK (244,995), Brazil (241,080), Spain (230,698), Italy (225,435), France (179,693), Germany (176,369), Turkey (149,435) and Iran (120,198), the CSSE figures showed.

Meanwhile, the UK accounted for the second highest COVID-19 deaths worldwide at 34,716.

The other countries with over 10,000 deaths are Italy (31,908), France (28,111), Spain (27,563) and Brazil (16,118).

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