India provides NR 180 mn for river training, embankment

16 May,2018 08:01 AM IST |  Kathmandu  |  PTI

Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Manjeev Singh Puri handed over a cheque of NRs 180.74 million to Sanjay Sharma, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Irrigation and Water Resources, a statement from the Embassy said

Narendra Modi

India today gave over 180 million Nepali rupees to Nepal as part of its contribution for river training and construction of embankments along three major rivers of the Himalayan nation to control floods that also affect India during the monsoon season.

Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Manjeev Singh Puri handed over a cheque of NRs 180.74 million to Sanjay Sharma, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Irrigation and Water Resources, a statement from the Embassy said. Nepal's Energy Minister Barsha Man Pun was also present during the function.

The grant was released days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's two-day visit to Nepal, during which both sides reiterated the importance of advancing cooperation in water resources for mutual benefit in areas such as river training works, inundation and flood management, irrigation.

India, so far, has given a total assistance of about 4.68 billion Nepali rupees in 13 installments to the Himalayan nation for the river training and contruction of embankment along Nepal's Lalbakeya, Bagmati and Kamla rivers, the statement said. "India remains committed to continue working closely with Nepal for further cooperation in the field of river training, flood control and water resources management in these and other rivers," it added.

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