Ivanka Trump: The "Bachelorette" that never was!

09 January,2019 09:10 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  ANI

Ivanka Trump had the chance to be in a show that would have allowed her to date eligible bachelors and chose who she wants to be with but turns around Jared Kushner was the one of her whom she married two years later in 2009

Ivanka Trump speaks during the Business Roundtable CEO Innovation Summit in Washington, DC on December 6, 2018. Pic/AFP

New Delhi: White House senior advisor and the daughter of United States President Donald Trump, Ivanka could have been on the reality TV show 'Bachelorette' in 2007. In a 2007 interview given to the People magazine, Ivanka stated that she was offered the show which she, however, declined as it would not have helped her further her aim to be a real estate developer.

When asked if she liked working on TV, the now senior White House advisor said, "I have been offered tons of shows, (including) The Bachelorette. I'm flattered, but that in no way furthers my objective of being a great real estate developer."

Ivanka had the chance to be in a show that would have allowed her to date eligible bachelors and chose who she wants to be with but turns around Jared Kushner was the one of her whom she married two years later in 2009.

Little did she anticipate what future had for her, as she is now one of the most important people in the White House and has a key role to play in the Trump administration.

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