Pre-summit, Kim Jong Un in, WH press corps out of Vietnam hotel

27 February,2019 05:00 AM IST |   |  Agencies

But on Tuesday, Vietnam's Foreign Minister said they were being relocated to an international media filing centre about a seven-minute walk away. The White House did not say why the move was made and it was unclear who booked first

Kim Jong Un waves after arriving by train in Dong Dang. Pic/AFP

Dong Dang: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the White House press corps booked the same hotel. Guess who won? The White House reporters, cameraman and photographers were set to be using a filing centre at the Melia Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, for Kim's meeting with President Donald Trump.

But on Tuesday, Vietnam's Foreign Minister said they were being relocated to an international media filing centre about a seven-minute walk away. The White House did not say why the move was made and it was unclear who booked first.

A few hours after the move was announced, Kim's motorcade rolled up to the hotel. Kim arrived in Vietnam on Tuesday after an almost 70-hour train ride that cut through China.

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