German opposition seeks inquiry over Olaf Scholz, tax scheme

05 April,2023 08:38 AM IST |  Berlin  |  Agencies

The centre-right Union bloc said it will call for the national parliament to set up a commission of inquiry when it returns after the Easter break in mid-April

Olaf Scholz. Pic/AP

Germany's main opposition party said Tuesday that it will seek a parliamentary inquiry into Chancellor Olaf Scholz's handling of a tax evasion scam involving a private bank before he became the country's leader.

The centre-right Union bloc said it will call for the national parliament to set up a commission of inquiry when it returns after the Easter break in mid-April. That should be a formality because it requires the backing of a quarter of all lawmakers, and the Union - with 197 of the lower house's 736 seats - holds more than that.

An inquiry is already underway in the state legislature in Hamburg, where Scholz was mayor from 2011 to 2018. He then served as Germany's finance minister until becoming chancellor in late 2021.

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