Indonesia seeds clouds to stop rain

16 May,2024 07:53 AM IST |  Tanah Datar  |  Agencies

The deluge tore through mountainside villages in four districts in West Sumatra province just before midnight on Saturday

Rescue personnel search for the missing by a riverside amusement park. Pic/AFP

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Indonesian authorities seeded clouds on Wednesday, trying to prevent further rain and flash floods after deluges that hit the country's Sumatra Island over the weekend left at least 58 people dead and another 35 missing.

Monsoon rain triggered a landslide of mud and cold lava from Mount Marapi, eventually causing rivers to breach their banks. The deluge tore through mountainside villages in four districts in West Sumatra province just before midnight on Saturday.

The floods swept away people and 79 homes and submerged hundreds of houses and buildings, forcing more than 1,500 families to flee to temporary government shelters, according to National Disaster Management Agency spokesperson Abdul Muhari.

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