Israel Defence Forces carry out airstrike on Hezbollah site in Southern Lebanon

04 February,2024 08:47 AM IST |  Tel Aviv  |  ANI

Throughout the day, the army fired artillery shells into different parts of Lebanon.

File Photo/AFP

Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) launched an airstrike on a Hezbollah building in the southern Lebanese village of Taybeh on Saturday, according to The Times of Israel.

Throughout the day, the army fired artillery shells into different parts of Lebanon.

The strikes came in retaliation, as Hezbollah launched rockets from Lebanon towards Mount Dov and the settlements of Even Menahem and Yir'on in Israel in the early hours of Saturday, The Times of Israel reported.

They, however, did not result in any casualties. The IDF has stated that it is targeting the launch sites of Hezbollah.

Since the October 7 attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel from Gaza, Hezbollah has been operating freely against Israel along Lebanon's border with Israel, firing rockets and anti-tank missiles at Israeli towns and army positions and opening fire at troops on a near-daily basis.

Hezbollah has been repeatedly cautioned to remain on the sidelines.

Meanwhile, the IDF has time and again responded by striking the terror group's cells and posts in southern Lebanon.

In the raging Israel-Hams war, at least 27,019 people have been killed and 66,139 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.

The revised death toll in Israel from the October 7 Hamas attacks stands at 1,139, Al Jazeera reported.

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