Israel kills 15 terrorists in Hamas command centre inside school

16 May,2024 07:45 AM IST |  Tel Aviv  |  Agencies

Terrorists included those from elite Nukhba force, which played leading role in October 7 attacks

A Palestinian child stands in front of a building destroyed by Israeli bombing in Rafah. Pic/AFP

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Israeli aircraft killed 15 terrorists in a strike on a Hamas command centre located inside a UNRWA school on Saturday, the Israel Defence Forces said.

The war room was embedded in a UN Relief and Works Agency school in the central Gaza area of Nuseirat. According to the IDF, at least 10 of the terror operatives killed were members of Hamas with the rest being members of other terror groups. The Hamas terrorists included members of the elite Nukhba force, which played a leading role in the October 7 attacks on Israeli communities.

The IDF's announcement included a map of the school compound along with the location of the Hamas war room.

"The Hamas war room had been used by the terrorist organisation to plan multiple attacks against IDF troops in central Gaza in recent weeks. The Hamas terrorist organisation systematically exploits the civilian population and institutions as human shields for their terrorist activities against the State of Israel," the military said.

UNRWA, which supports Palestinian refugees, has been under fire for months, with Israeli officials demanding the agency be stripped of its authority in Gaza and defunded.

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