‘Lecturing India on human rights unlikely to work,' says Ro Khanna

18 May,2024 07:42 AM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

When they say that we’ve had colonial powers lecture us for hundreds of years is not going to be productive,” Congressman Ro Khanna said

Lawmaker said they will raise human rights issues with India

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Reiterating that they would continue to raise issue of human rights in India with its leadership, Indian American lawmakers, however, said lecturing New Delhi on this issue is unlikely to work.

"India was colonised for over 100 years. So, when we're having a conversation about human rights, and you're having a conversation with Jai Shankar or someone else, you have to understand that just coming in from a perspective of lecturing India. When they say that we've had colonial powers lecture us for hundreds of years is not going to be productive," Congressman Ro Khanna said.

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