Nepalese mountaineer makes history; climbs Mount Everest three times in two weeks

26 May,2024 07:33 AM IST |  Kathmandu  |  Agencies

This is for the first time in the history of mountaineering that any climber has sumitted Everest thrice in a single season, said Nima Doma Sherpa, an Everest summiter

Purnima Shrestha reminiscing her first trip. Pic/Getty Images

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Purnima Shrestha, a Nepalese mountaineer and photojournalist, on Saturday scripted history by becoming the first person to summit Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, three times in a single climbing season.

"Purnima first summited the 8848.86-metre peak on May 12. She reached the summit again on May 19 with Pasang Sherpa, and achieved her third summit on Saturday at 5.50 am," said Pemba Sherpa, expedition director at Eight K Expeditions which organised the trip. This was Purnima's fourth ascent to the Everest.

This is for the first time in the history of mountaineering that any climber has sumitted Everest thrice in a single season, said Nima Doma Sherpa, an Everest summiter. Shrestha visited the Everest base camp in 2017 to cover a marathon. She said that the event attracted her to climb mountains. She then climbed Mount Manaslu (8,163 mt) in the same year and the next year she climbed the highest peak in the world.

In addition to her triumphs on Everest, Shrestha has also conquered other formidable peaks including Annapurna, and Dhaulagiri, among others.

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