Niger citizens told to fight against foreign interference

04 August,2023 08:04 AM IST |  Niamey  |  Agencies

Many expressed support for the coup leaders amid criticism from the West

Protesters hold a Russian flag during a demonstration denouncing France. Pic/AP

Hundreds of people rallied in support of Niger's ruling junta in the capital on Thursday, denouncing France and others who have criticized a recent coup - as the country's military leaders sought to exploit anti-Western sentiment to shore up their takeover.

As numbers began to swell at a demonstration organised by the junta and civil society groups on Niger's independence day, protesters in Niamey pumped their fists in the air and chanted out support for neighboring countries that have also seen military takeovers in recent years. Some waved Russian flags, with one man brandished a Russian and Nigerien flag sewn together.

Many expressed support for the coup leaders and denounced interference from others. "For more than 13 years, the Nigerien people have suffered injustices," said protester Moctar Abdou Issa. The junta "will get us out of this, God willing… they will free the Nigerien people. We're sick of the French," he added. The coup has been condemned by Western countries and the West African regional bloc known as ECOWAS, which has threatened to use force to remove the junta.

Niger coup leader meets Wagner ally junta in Mali

General Salifou Mody - one of the Niger officers who seized power the coup last week - visited Mali on Wednesday amid speculation of possible interest in the Wagner mercenary group. Hundreds of Wagner contractors are already stationed in Mali at the invitation of the country's military junta, to quell an Islamist insurgency in an area where the borders of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger meet.

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