Niger’s junta says it will restore civilian rule in 3 years

21 August,2023 08:21 AM IST |  Niamey  |  Agencies

Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani gave no details on the plan, saying only that the principles for the transition would be decided within 30 days

Coup supporters at the Place de la Concertation in Niamey. Pic/AP

The leader of mutinous soldiers who ousted Niger's democratically elected president said on Saturday night that they will return the country to civilian rule within three years.

Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani gave no details on the plan, saying only that the principles for the transition would be decided within 30 days.

"I am convinced that ... we will work together to find a way out of the crisis, in the interests of all," Tchiani said after his meeting with a regional delegation seeking to resolve the Niger's crisis.

The delegation from the ECOWAS bloc, headed by former Nigerian head of state Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, also met separately with toppled President Mohamed Bazoum. It joined reconciliation efforts by Leonardo Santos Simao, the UN special representative for West Africa and the Sahel.

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