Niger’s military junta appoints new PM and cabinet ministers

10 August,2023 07:59 AM IST |  Niamey  |  Agencies

The junta’s leaders named a new prime minister on Monday, in what analysts described as an attempt to show that they’re serious about governing the West Africa country

Junta supporters hold a Russian flag in Niamey. Pic/AP

The military junta that seized power in Niger two weeks ago has appointed new cabinet ministers and barred most international meditators from the country as it works to entrench itself in power. The junta's leaders named a new prime minister on Monday, in what analysts described as an attempt to show that they're serious about governing the West Africa country.

They refused to admit mediation teams that were meant to arrive on Tuesday, sent by the UN, the African Union, and West African regional bloc ECOWAS. The junta cited "evident reasons of security in this atmosphere of menace," according to a letter. ECOWAS had threatened to use military force if the junta didn't reinstate the elected president, Mohamed Bazoum by Sunday.

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