Norway to tighten restrictions on entry of Russian people

24 May,2024 07:52 AM IST |  Copenhagen  |  Agencies

Norway has a 198-kilometre (123-mile)-long border with Russia in the Arctic

The Storskog Boris Gleb border crossing between Norway and Russia. File Pic/X

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Norway on Thursday said it will further tighten its restrictions on the entry of people from Russia, saying those with tourist visas issued by Norway before regulations were tightened in 2022 or issued by another European country will be barred from entering the Scandinavian country as of next week.

Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl said the tightening was a response to "Russia's illegal war of aggression against Ukraine". Norway has a 198-kilometre (123-mile)-long border with Russia in the Arctic.

Top military man jailed for bribery

A deputy chief of the Russian military general staff, Lt Gen Vadim Shamarin, was arrested on charges of large-scale bribery, Russian news reports said Thursday.

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