Over 100 people believed killed by a landslide in Papua New Guinea

24 May,2024 10:42 AM IST |  Melbourne  |  AP

The landslide reportedly hit Kaokalam Village in Enga Province, about 600 kilometres (370 miles) northwest of South Pacific island nation`s capital of Port Moresby

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More than 100 people are believed to have been killed Friday in a landslide in a remote part of Papua New Guinea, Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported.

The landslide reportedly hit Kaokalam Village in Enga Province, about 600 kilometres (370 miles) northwest of the South Pacific island nation's capital of Port Moresby, at roughly 3 am local time, ABC reported.

Residents say current estimates of the death toll are above 100, although authorities have not confirmed this figure. Villagers said the number of people killed could be much higher.

Social media video show locals pulling out buried bodies

The Papua New Guinea government and police did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Friday.

Papua New Guinea is a diverse, developing nation of mostly subsistence farmers with 800 languages. There are few roads outside the larger cities.

With 10 million people, it also the most populous South Pacific nation after Australia, which is home to 27 million.

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