Pakistan records 34 per cent increase in militant attacks in November

04 December,2023 05:59 AM IST |  Islamabad  |  Agencies

Additionally, 89 individuals, including 53 civilians and 36 security forces personnel, sustained injuries, according to the Islamabad-based think tank

The 63 militant attacks in November resulted in 83 deaths. File pic/X

Anti-state violence in Pakistan surged 34 per cent in November, with 63 militant attacks recorded in the country during the month, a think-tank report said on Sunday. The 63 militant attacks in November resulted in 83 deaths, including that of 37 security forces personnel and 33 civilians, the Dawn newspaper reported, citing data by the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS) think tank.

Additionally, 89 individuals, including 53 civilians and 36 security forces personnel, sustained injuries, according to the Islamabad-based think tank. Compared to October's data, a 34 per cent surge in militant attacks, a 63 per cent rise in fatalities, and an 89 per cent increase in the number of injured persons was recorded during November.

Pakistani security forces killed at least 59 militants and arrested at least 18 suspected terrorists during the month, according to the report. The data showed an 81 per cent escalation in militant attacks in the first eleven months of 2023 compared to the corresponding period in 2022. It also showed a 64 per cent rise in the number of injured. The cumulative toll from the 599 militant attacks from January to November 2023 resulted in 897 fatalities and 1,241 injuries, according to the report.

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