Russian missile attacks destroy infra, kill civilians across Ukraine

16 August,2023 09:16 AM IST |  Kyiv  |  Agencies

The Ukrainian Air Force said of the 28 cruise missiles at the country, sixteen were intercepted

Destruction following missiles strikes in Ukraine’s Kherson. Pic/AP

Russian forces unleashed a barrage of missiles on regions across Ukraine in the early hours of Tuesday morning, killing civilians and damaging civilian infrastructure. The barrage came just hours before top Russian military officials and their counterparts from Asia, the Middle East and Africa gathered near Moscow for a security conference. The Ukrainian Air Force said of the 28 cruise missiles at the country, sixteen were intercepted.

In the western region of Lviv, on the border with Poland, residential buildings and other civilian structures were damaged by missile debris. Ten people were wounded in two villages outside Lviv. In the nearby region of Volyn, three people were killed by a Russian missile strike and three others were injured, according to Oleksii Kuleba, deputy head of Ukraine's presidential office. In the southeastern Dnipropetrovsk region, two people were injured in the region's capital.

Parts of the city of Smila in the central Cherkasy region were left without access to water after the Russian strikes. The attack damaged a medical facility, as well as water and heat supply networks. In one of the villages of the front-line Zaporizhzhia region, a missile struck a stadium at a school, damaging the facility's building as well as residential houses and a kindergarten. Russian forces also hit a grocery warehouse in Kramatorsk, a city in the front-line Donetsk region in the east, killing one person and wounding another.

35 killed in Russian gas station blast

Rescuers battling the blaze at the gas station. Pic/AP

A massive explosion at a gas station in Russia's southern republic of Dagestan killed 35 people and injured scores more, Russian officials said on Tuesday. Russia's Emergency Ministry said a total of 105 people were injured. Three of those killed were children, Dagestan's governor Sergei Melikov said. The explosion took place on Monday night on the outskirts of Makhachkala, the region's capital. A fire started at a car repair shop and spread to a nearby gas station, prompting the blast. The subsequent fire raged on the area of 600 square metre. Families of the victims will receive 1 million rubles (about $10,000) each, while those injured will get 200,000-400,000 rubles (about $2,000-$4,000).

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