‘Superfog’ near New Orleans blamed for highway crashes

25 October,2023 09:31 AM IST |  New Orleans  |  Agencies

While 25 people were transported to the hospital, with injuries ranging from minor to critical, others sought medical aid on their own, authorities said

Wreckage of a multi-vehicle pileup that killed seven people. Pic/AP

At least seven people were killed Monday after a "superfog" of smoke from marsh fires and dense morning fog caused a series of wrecks on Interstate 55 near New Orleans that left a long stretch of mangled and scorched cars, trucks and tractor-trailers.

An estimated 158 vehicles were involved and 25 people injured, according to the Louisiana State Police, who warned the death toll could climb as first responders worked into the night looking for victims, the smell of burnt wreckage still heavy in the air.

Vehicles were crushed, piled atop each other and engulfed by flames. Some people got out of their vehicles and stood on the side of the road or on the roofs of their cars looking in disbelief at the disaster.

While 25 people were transported to the hospital, with injuries ranging from minor to critical, others sought medical aid on their own, authorities said. The National Weather Service said there were multiple wetland fires in the region. Smoke from the fires mixed with fog to create a "superfog."

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