Ukraine’s attack on residential building kills 15 in Russia

14 May,2024 07:35 AM IST |  Belgorod  |  Agencies

Belgorod came under massive shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces

Apartments in Belogrod that collapsed after the explosion. Pics/X

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At least 15 people have been killed after a 10-storey residential apartment building partially collapsed in Russia's southwestern city of Belgorod on Monday, Russian news agency TASS reported citing the Russian Emergencies Ministry's statement.

According to the report, the building collapsed following a "Ukrainian attack" on May 12. "Rescuers found another body. In all, 15 bodies have been already recovered from the rubble," the statement reads. Belgorod and its suburbs came under massive shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces earlier on May 12. Fragments of a downed Tochka-U tactical missile damaged a 10-storey residential building, causing one of its sections to collapse.

Moreover, search and rescue operations at a partially collapsed 10-storey residential apartment building in Russia's city of Belgorod have been completed, a spokesperson for the Russian Emergencies Ministry, TASS reported. "The search and rescue operations and debris removal in the city of Belgorod have been completed," the spokesperson stated.

‘Army locked in fierce battles'

Ukrainian troops are locked in intense battles with the advancing Russian army in two border areas, President Volodymyr Zelensky said, while the death toll from a Russian apartment building collapse blamed on Ukrainian shelling rose to 15. Zelensky said "fierce battles" are taking place near the border in eastern and northeastern Ukraine as outgunned and outnumbered Ukrainian soldiers try to push back a significant Russian ground offensive.

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