US President Joe Biden calls Donald Trump ‘unhinged’

13 May,2024 08:21 AM IST |  Seattle  |  Agencies

Even though Biden thinks the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is “unhinged,” he said he believes the November election will be “close”

Joe Biden and Donald Trump

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President Joe Biden called Donald Trump "clearly unhinged" and claimed that "something snapped" in the former president after he lost the 2020 poll, CNN reported.

"It's clear that ... when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him," Biden told supporters in Seattle at a private fundraiser Saturday, according to reporters in the room. "He's not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he's clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he's telling people."

Even though Biden thinks the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is "unhinged," he said he believes the November election will be "close."

"We feel good about the state of the race, but we know the race is close," Biden said, pointing to recent polls.

Trump continues to hold an advantage over Biden, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS last month. Trump's support in the poll among registered voters held steady at 49 per cent.

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