Vladimir Putin reappoints Mishustin as Russia’s PM

11 May,2024 08:24 AM IST |  Moscow  |  Agencies

In line with Russian law, Mishustin, 58, who held the job for the past four years, submitted his Cabinet’s resignation on Tuesday when Putin began his fifth presidential term at a glittering Kremlin inauguration

Mikhail Mishustin with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pic/X

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Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday reappointed Mikhail Mishustin as the country's prime minister after the previous stint on the job during which the low-key technocrat has shown a distinct lack of political ambitions. In line with Russian law, Mishustin, 58, who held the job for the past four years, submitted his Cabinet's resignation on Tuesday when Putin began his fifth presidential term at a glittering Kremlin inauguration.

Mishustin's reappointment was widely expected by political observers, who noted that Putin has appreciated his skills and low political profile. Mishustin, the former head of Russia's tax service, has steered clear of political statements and avoided media interviews during his previous tenure. The speaker of the parliament's lower house, Vyacheslav Volodin, announced that Putin has submitted Mishustin's candidacy to the State Duma, which will hold a session later Friday to consider it.

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