Zelenskyy urges world leaders to join Global Peace Summit

27 May,2024 07:48 AM IST |  Kyiv  |  Agencies

In a post on X, Zelenskyy said that together with Switzerland, Ukraine is preparing for such a Summit

Firefighters inspect a heavily damaged office building following Russian air strike in Kharkiv. Pic/AFP

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday urged the global leaders to participate in the Global Peace Summit, which begins on June 15, stressing that Russia is run by men who want to make it a norm of burning lives and dividing people. He emphasised that no nation can stop such war alone and unaided.

In a post on X, Zelenskyy said that together with Switzerland, Ukraine is preparing for such a Summit.

"For them, it is a pleasure to burn. We all know who we are dealing with. Russia is run by men who want to make it a norm - burning lives, destroying cities and villages, dividing people, and erasing national borders through war. There is no nation that can stop such war alone, unaided. World leaders' engagement is needed," the Ukrainian President said.

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