This yoga couple will give you serious relationship and fitness goals

Honza and Claudine Lafond are the power couple who have dedicated their lives to yoga to such an extent that they created an adventurous type of yoga - AcroYoga. They are also proud founders of YogaBeyond, a global brand built on the practice of yoga, education and community. 

Updated On: 2019-05-28 09:29 AM IST

Honza and Claudine Lafond are the power couple who have dedicated their lives to yoga to such an extent that they created an adventurous type of yoga - AcroYoga. They are also proud founders of YogaBeyond, a global brand built on the practice of yoga, education and community. 

Hailing from different parts of the world, Honza from the Czech Republic and Claudine from New York, these two creatively express their love for each other through their yoga. This couple is known for one of the most dangerous form of yoga - AcroYoga which takes more than just physical strength to master the technique but Honza and Claudine make it look fun and effortless.

Hailing from different parts of the world, Honza from the Czech Republic and Claudine from New York, these two creatively express their love for each other through their yoga. This couple is known for one of the most dangerous form of yoga - AcroYoga which takes more than just physical strength to master the technique but Honza and Claudine make it look fun and effortless.

They met in New York in December 2007 and currently call Sydney their home. Their collective experiences and combined career paths in yoga, wellness, business and art brought them together in a powerful way. 

The couple recalls their yoga journey, “Our love for yoga, connection and each other, lead us to the creation of Acrovinayasa, a highly transformative and inspiring practice that takes yoga from earth to air. Uniting elements of vinyasa, acroyoga and inversion training, this community based yoga stream offers a dynamic expansion beyond the traditional solo practice. It is formulated into a two level teacher training format.”

They started off as yoga trainers back in 2013 and since then they only tasted success and adventure together, “After three years of sharing our yoga practice and nurturing a local community, we had an opportunity to co-create a new paradigm in the world of large scale yoga festivals. It meant saying good bye to our yoga studio and embarking on a whole new adventure called Wanderlust." 

Apart from being the creators of Acroyoga, this couple is also known for this picture which went viral on the internet giving people across the globe major relationship and fitness goals. 

They consider themselves grateful and blessed for everything in their life, "We are proud and honored to have invested not only time and money, but more importantly our heart and soul into an idea that ended up bringing tens of thousands of like-minded people together, transforming countless lives, and creating magical moments that will be forever etched into our collective memories.”

Honza and Claudine have taken yoga seriously to such an extent that even Claudine’s pregnancy couldn’t keep them away from it. They posted pictures of Claudine’s baby bump in exciting AcroYoga postures which will definitely leave you with goose bumps.  

Honza and Claudine announced the arrival of their baby girl in the most unique and creative photo shoot ever. The photo shoot incorporated a tribal theme with lots of colours and arts involved in it. 

The couple is blessed with a beautiful daughter and she has been a part of their AcroYoga ever since she was a baby. The couple often posts pictures of their yoga practice with their daughter in thrilling yoga postures. “When we became a family in 2016 and welcomed our beautiful little girl Sofie Phoenix into the world, we made a conscious decision to continue with our life as we knew it and simply find a way to make it all work."

They recall their journey as to be parents, "With nine months of the year spent on the road, it has been an incredible learning experience that we want to continue sharing with the world. What we have come to realize in recent times is that our voice can be a powerful instrument of change.”

Claudine feels blessed with whatever she has in her life, "My life is abundant with blessings. I’m healthy, happy and at peace. I get to wake up next to the man of my dreams, who is my anchor and my best friend. We have the most beautiful and joyful little angel that overflows my heart with love every single day." 

The couple believes, 'In a time when natural disasters are decimating homes and lives, and global leaders are engaging in childish banter, there is a trivial battle going on here in Australia over whether same-sex marriage should be legalized. This world is still full of people who don't embrace one another, people who are fueled by fear. What we need more than ever before is love, connection, inclusion and understanding.'

Claudine embraces motherhood with grace and says to become a mother is to become a goddess, a shaman, a life-giver with hidden powers you did not even know you had. When you start using your breasts to produce milk and nourish your baby, you acquire incredible respect for your body. 

Claudine says, "When I teach, I often say that finding balance is always just one breath away. Whether it be a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wobbling, coming into balance starts with a conscious choice."

Claudine shared that she was given a Hindu name Kalpana by her meditation teacher which means Cosmic Imagination.

Claudine believes her daughter is made for the life she and her husband created, "She had a spark of presence the moment she was born, but now her conscious awareness is really starting to come through. Feeling very blessed to bear witness to this magical transformation of life."

The couple explains how yoga helped them stay together for 12 years, 'Asana practice teaches us how to use breath, focus and intention to find balance and clarity. With time and practice we are able to leave the safety of our yoga mat, take the training wheels off and begin to bring about balance in everything else in our life.'

The yoga couple is also known for its positive values in life and humbleness. They wish, may all beings be happy and free. May all our thoughts, words and actions contribute in some way to the happiness of all beings.

Honzo says as a father, husband, brother, friend, teacher, leader, entrepreneur etc., the trickiest part is in juggling so many different roles, responsibilities and expectations. The one thing I have learned during my 36 revolutions around the sun, is that finding balance is an ongoing process, not a final destination.

In the pic: Honza and Claudine add Christmas twist to their regular Acroyoga practise with baby Sophie.

The couple is seen in a JnanaMudra which is one of the most powerful position because of its wisdom and deep symbolism. Created by placing the tips of the thumb and the index finger together to form a circle, with the other fingers extended, this mudra stimulates an opening effect, allowing for a receiving from the Divine Source. 

In the pic: Honza and Claudine are performing a dangerous Acroyoga position where Claudine is lifting her husband in the air along with a bicycle.

In the pic: Honza and Claudine are no normal couple, they do everything from decorating 

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