'Best thing I did on cricket field': Flintoff recalls his 2004 sledge

18 June,2020 12:12 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  ANI

The official handle of England Cricket had shared a video from 2004, in which Flintoff can be seen prompting Best to hit a six on the bowling off Ashley Giles

Pic courtesy/Andrew Flintoff' Twitter account

Former England all-rounder Andrew Flintoff has recalled his sledge to Windies pacer Tino Best in 2004, saying that was the best thing he ever did on the cricket field.

The official handle of England Cricket had shared a video from 2004, in which Flintoff can be seen prompting Best to hit a six on the bowling off Ashley Giles.

In the video, Flintoff can be heard saying, 'Mind the Windows'. The all-rounder was standing at the first-slip position and was sledging Best to get under his skin.

Seeing the video, Flintoff tweeted: "Possibly the best thing I did on a cricket field, thanks for popping in Tino".

In the match between England and West Indies in 2004, Best was trying to hit Giles for a maximum but he was unable to connect the ball properly. It was then, Flintoff said 'Mind The Windows' with a big smile on his face.

The move then riled up Best, and on the next ball, he decided to step out of the crease to hit a six, but he ended up missing the ball and was stumped.

After that Flintoff had a big grin on his face and he celebrated in style.

The commentator was Richie Benaud at that time, and he also took a jibe at Best, saying: "whether Giles outbowled Best or outtalked him, I do not know."

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