Australian batsman David Warner sets World Cup goal after first home hit-out

21 July,2018 03:39 PM IST |  Darwin, Australia  |  AFP

You've got plenty of warm-up games before the World Cup, and I'll be playing the IPL (Indian Premier League T20 competition) as well leading into that, he said

David Warner/AFP

Banished opening batsman David Warner says he is looking to be part of Australia's World Cup defence in England next year after his first hit-out at home on Saturday. The pugnacious Warner smacked 36 runs off 32 balls in the Northern Territory Strike League in Darwin as he searches for match practice to gear for his return to top-level cricket early next year.

Warner, 31, was handed a one-year ban from international and state cricket by Cricket Australia for his role in helping to devise a plan to rub sandpaper on the ball during a Test match against South Africa in March. He had pledged to play in the cricket outpost while he was involved in community coaching work earlier this year as part of the terms of his ban, and made good his offer in his side City Cyclones' comfortable win against Northern Tide in a 50-over fixture. "I'm pretty good when I'm fresh," Warner told reporters.

"If you look at the last 12 months, I played basically every game (for Australia) and didn't get a rest. "I had a five-day turnaround before the first Test in South Africa and I led the team in (the T20 tri-series in Australia and) New Zealand when some of the other guys had a rest. "So I know that the breaks do me (good), and you don't lose form overnight." Warner said he would have the opportunity of warm-up games before the World Cup in May-July next year.

"You've got plenty of warm-up games before the World Cup, and I'll be playing the IPL (Indian Premier League T20 competition) as well leading into that," he said. "So there's plenty of cricket and plenty of world-class players to play against, as well to get my preparation on song." Warner confirmed his intention to continue at international level once his suspension is completed, and for some time into the future.

"I wouldn't be here today and working my backside off to keep scoring as many runs as I can for each team that I play for if I didn't love it -- I'd probably retire," he said. "But I've still got plenty of fuel in the tank and I'm excited. "(I have) the next eight months to reflect upon what's happened and then moving forward to be a better person and a better cricketer. "I'm just ticking along to make sure I'm preparing well for this and the CPL coming up." Warner will play for the St Lucia Stars in next month's Caribbean Premier League.

Also Read: Australian Cricketer David Warner's Fab Three

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