Suresh Raina may be brand ambassador of UP poll panel

23 February,2019 11:19 AM IST |  Ghaziabad  |  IANS

The district administration has sent a letter to Suresh Raina. We are waiting for his reply, said an officer

Suresh Raina

The Ghaziabad administration has been asked to find out if cricketer Suresh Raina is ready to be the brand ambassador of the Uttar Pradesh poll panel. Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Additional District Magistrate of Ghaziabad, said the Chief Election Officer had asked the district administration to coordinate with Raina and seek his consent as he belongs to Ghaziabad.

Earlier, the cricketer had been the brand ambassador of the Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation's "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan".

The district administration has sent a letter to Raina. "We are waiting for his reply," said the officer.

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