T20 2018: Rohit Sharma must open for Mumbai, says ex-India cricketer

27 April,2018 08:27 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

Former India batsman Lalchand Rajput believes that Mumbai skipper Rohit Sharma should open the innings for the defending champions as it can give the team a good start

Rohit Sharma

Former India batsman Lalchand Rajput believes that Mumbai skipper Rohit Sharma should open the innings for the defending champions as it can give the team a good start.

"Rohit is a prolific opener, who has done exceptionally well for India. So opening and playing free is important for him. If you start well, then you can pile up a big score. You have to open with Rohit, as simple as that," Rajput said.

"When you bat at number four after losing two wickets that is a different ball-game rather than opening. It (Rohit opening the innings) will help Mumbai, because they will get a good start, as the start is important."

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