Porn star Valerie Fox accuses Shane Warne of hitting her in the face

25 September,2017 03:17 PM IST |   |  A Correspondent

Australia cricket legend Shane Warne's visit to a nightclub in London went completely awry when he reportedly hit porn star Valerie Fox in the face; Fox posted photos on social media

Porn star Valerie and (inset) Shane Warne

Australia cricket legend Shane Warne's visit to a nightclub in London on Friday night went completely awry when he reportedly hit a porn star in the face.

According to British tabloid, The Sun, glamour model Valerie Fox, who has appeared in dozens of porn star films, complained to cops and tweeted photos of bruises said to have been caused by Warne. Fox was also seen fallen to the floor clutching her face. "Proud of yourself? Hitting a woman? Vile creature," read one of her tweets.

Also Read: When Shane Warne 'poked' Shilpa Shetty

"And no, I'm not lying. Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can hit women and get away with it," she added. She also shared a police incident card on Twitter and wrote: "The crime we will investigate is assault."

According to eye-witnesses, Warne, 48 and Fox, 30, entered Loulou's club in Mayfair, central London together, but are unsure if the pair spent the evening together. Police are investigating the case to see if CCTV footage has captured any incident.

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