'Worst' football team Tunstall Town FC finally wins match after 171 attempts

24 February,2014 01:09 PM IST |   |  ANI

Tunstall Town FC finally won a game after a record breaking streak of going winless for 171 matches

London: Tunstall Town FC finally won a game after a record breaking streak of going winless for 171 matches.

Of the 171 matches that they played between the wins, they lost 169 of those.

The Staffordshire club finally broke their winless streak thanks to a 2-1 win over Betley Reserves, Metro.co.uk reported.

The first goal came courtesy of a 20-yard piledriver from Tunstallu00efu00bfu00bds international striker, 32-year-old Ghanaian Daniel Dwase.

Student Adam Rose, 17, put Tunstall two up with a second-half penalty, before their opponents hit one in the goal.

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