Arsenal boss Emery to stick to principles against Chelsea

18 August,2018 09:20 AM IST |  London  |  AFP

Arsenal's title challenge was laid bare as Manchester City cruised to a 2-0 win at the Emirates

Arsenal's boss Unai Emery

Unai Emery couldn't have asked for a tougher start to life as Arsenal manager as hot on the heels of defeat to Manchester City in his Premier League bow, the Gunners travel to Chelsea today.

Arsenal's title challenge was laid bare as City cruised to a 2-0 win at the Emirates. However, Emery vowed to stand by his principles despite opening loss. "You shouldn't change your mentality if you lose the first game. I want consistency," said Emery.

"Against Manchester City, the team kept their ideas, kept their spirit for the full 90 minutes, even when we were losing, and didn't let [their heads] go down. That was a good thing, despite us losing 2-0. I want us to continue with this work and to be competitive for 90 minutes, but with a better performance than on Sunday."

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