FIFA WC 2018: Joachim Loew to remain Germany boss

04 July,2018 11:18 AM IST |  Berlin  |  AFP

The DFB said Loew, who has been in the job for 12 years, had told German football chiefs he wanted to carry on and oversee the reconstruction of the team

Joachim Loew

Germany coach Joachim Loew will remain in his job despite the World Cup holders' elimination in the group phase in Russia, the German Football Association (DFB) said yesterday.

The DFB said Loew, who has been in the job for 12 years, had told German football chiefs he wanted to carry on and oversee the reconstruction of the team.

The DFB told Loew, who led Germany to the World Cup title in 2014, that he continued to enjoy their support despite the team's failure to reach the knockout stage for the first time in 80 years.

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