ISL: FC Pune City retains Adil Khan for next two seasons

25 June,2018 07:57 PM IST |  Pune  |  PTI

I am excited to continue with the FC Pune City as the time here has been one of the most fulfilling in my professional career, said Adil Khan.

Adil Khan/AFP

Indian Super League (ISL) club FC Pune City has retained services of their midfield maestro Adil Khan for the next two seasons. In 2017-18 season, the 29-year-old midfielder scored four goals in 18 appearances, including a stunning header against the Jamshedpur FC.

Speaking on Khan's retention, FC Pune City CEO Gaurav Modwel said, "Adil was one of the standout performers for us last season. His commitment to the team and dedication to his job was commendable. "Adils versatility gave the team a lot of flexibility eventually contributing big time to the team's historic run." Khan, on his part, said he was excited to continue with the FC Pune City and would aim to win the trophy.

"I am excited to continue with the FC Pune City as the time here has been one of the most fulfilling in my professional career. "What we achieved as a team last season was commendable and with core group of players retained, we will aim to win the trophy this year," he said.

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