Thomas Muller extends stay at Bayern Munich until 2023

08 April,2020 11:49 AM IST |  Berlin  |  IANS

We're glad we're keeping a figurehead like Thomas Mu00c3u0083u00c2u00bcller at the club. He's shaped the club for more than ten years with his great football and his likeable personality, said Oliver Kahn

Thomas Muller

Star mid-fielder Thomas Muller has signed a new two-year contract at Bayern Munich, thus extending his stay until June 2023. Muller has been with Bayern for 20 years, winning eight German titles and the 2013 Champions League, and marked his 500th senior game for the club last November. Speaking on the contract extension, Muller said: "Both sides signed with a really good feeling. I'm sure that once we're playing again, we'll continue to be very successful. That spurs me on. For me, the number one priority was to extend at FC Bayern - and the club felt the same way."

"I've been with FC Bayern for a good two-thirds of my life now, so you can't say that the club and I are just along for the ride - we fight for each other. This club is not just any old employer for me. It's my passion." Muller hasn't represented Germany since coach Joachim Low said in March 2019 that the mid-fielder was no longer in his plans. "We're glad we're keeping a figurehead like Thomas Müller at the club. He's shaped the club for more than ten years with his great football and his likeable personality," said Oliver Kahn. Recently, Bayern coach Hansi Flick also signed a contract extension through 2023.

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