Infantino’s 48-team WC plan heavily criticised

22 December,2022 08:31 AM IST |  Berlin  |  AP

In an interview with German weekly Die Zeit released Wednesday, Blatter said that “what is happening at the moment is an overcommercialisation of the game... There are attempts to squeeze more and more out of the lemon”

Gianni Infantino. Pic/AFP

Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter is criticizing successor Gianni Infantino's plans for a 48-team World Cup and an expanded Club World Cup.

In an interview with German weekly Die Zeit released Wednesday, Blatter said that "what is happening at the moment is an overcommercialisation of the game... There are attempts to squeeze more and more out of the lemon."

Also Read: FIFA World Cup 2022: Grant Wahl's love for football and reporting will be missed, says Gianni Infantino

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