Zinedine Zidane: Physical issues keep Gareth Bale on bench

24 February,2018 11:05 AM IST |  Madrid  |  IANS

Real Madrid's French chief coach Zinedine Zidane on Friday revealed that physical issues had been keeping Welsh forward Gareth Bale on the sidelines recently

Zinedine Zidane

Real Madrid's French chief coach Zinedine Zidane on Friday revealed that physical issues had been keeping Welsh forward Gareth Bale on the sidelines recently. Zidane insisted that he was counting on all footballers, including Bale, who missed three out of Real's last four matches, reports Efe.

"We are seeking with Gareth to train well and to be fit and I want him to be in the best shape, I do not want to lose him again... Certainly, he will have an important role," the coach said at a press conference ahead of the La Liga game against Alaves on Saturday. Zidane also apologised to midfielder Dani Ceballos for bringing him onto the field for the last 28 seconds against Leganes on Wednesday, an event which caused great controversy.

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