Petra Kvitova, Pliskova sisters to clash in Prague event

12 May,2020 08:35 AM IST |  Prague  |  AFP

The women's event will bring together Kvitova, 12th in the WTA rankings, 26th-ranked Karolina Muchova and 31st-ranked Barbora Strycova. I'm looking forward to playing a tournament after a long time, said Kvitova

Petra Kvitova

Two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova, the Pliskova sisters and other top-100 Czech players are set to clash at a tennis tournament in Prague on May 26-28, organisers said Sunday.

"This is the first event the Czech Tennis Association (CTS) has prepared for players at a time when they can't travel because of the (coronavirus) pandemic," tournament spokesman Karel Tejkal said in a statement. The women's event will bring together Kvitova, 12th in the WTA rankings, 26th-ranked Karolina Muchova and 31st-ranked Barbora Strycova. "I'm looking forward to playing a tournament after a long time," said Kvitova.

"I'm really curious about the shape we'll be in without playing any tournaments." World number three Karolina Pliskova and her twin sister Kristyna, ranked 69th, are also likely to play. CTS head Ivo Kaderka said income from the tournament would be used to help minimise the impact of the COVID-19 disease in the Czech Republic which has seen over 8,100 confirmed cases and more than 270 deaths so far. The men's event will feature world number 65 Jiri Vesely, the winner of this year's ATP tournament in Pune, India.

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