Akhil Rabindra inches closer to Aston Martin contract

20 May,2021 06:46 AM IST |  Bangalore  |  PTI

Akhil who is currently competing for AGS Events Racing team at the European GT4 Championships, is the only Asian to have made it to the prestigious AMR driving academy along with 14 others from across the world.

Photo for representational purpose. Picture Courtesy/iStock

GT4 racer Akhil Rabindra on Wednesday made it to the coveted list of the Aston Martin Racing Driver Academy for the third time in a row for the 2021 class. Akhil who is currently competing for AGS Events Racing team at the European GT4 Championships, is the only Asian to have made it to the prestigious AMR driving academy along with 14 others from across the world.

The British luxury sportscar manufacturer made the announcement on Wednesday. Aston Martin, through their driver academy, aims to search the next generation of GT4 endurance superstars and the 2021 class has only 15 elite drivers (all between 17-26 years) from around the world competing with the hope to land an Aston Martin Junior drivers contract a year later.

Akhil currently drives an Aston Martin Vantage GT4 for AGS Events Racing team. Akhil will be racing the second round of the 2021 season at the European GT4 Championships from May 28-30. The race will be hosted at the Paul Ricard circuit. A thrilled Akhil said, "This year I have all the experience gathered from the past two years and no excuses to perform to the best to my ability to prove to myself and AMR. "I would like to thank my sponsors, AGS Events Racing Team for their continued support and faith in my dream."

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