Coronavirus outbreak: Scotland women's rugby player out of hospital

17 March,2020 10:03 AM IST |  Glascow  |  AFP

Scottish Rugby is pleased to confirm the Scotland women player who contracted coronavirus has now been released from hospital, no longer needs to self-isolate and is feeling back to normal, a Scottish Rugby Union statement read

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A Scotland women's international who had the coronavirus has been released from hospital and is "feeling back to normal", Scottish Rugby chiefs said on Monday.

The Scotland women's Six Nations match against France was postponed after the unnamed player tested positive just before the March 7 game in Glasgow. The Scotland squad had recently returned from a trip to northern Italy, where their clash with the hosts had been postponed as the virus spread in the region.

Seven Scotland women's players and staff who were self-isolating have also been cleared to resume contact with the public. "Scottish Rugby is pleased to confirm the Scotland women player who contracted coronavirus has now been released from hospital, no longer needs to self-isolate and is feeling back to normal," a Scottish Rugby Union statement read.

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