Diya-Sreeja enter WTT Contender semis

01 July,2023 08:06 AM IST |  Zagreb  |  PTI

In a battle stretched to the fullest, Sreeja and Diya lost the first game but fought back to win the next two to snatch a 2-1 lead

Diya Chitale

Continuing their splendid run, India's women's doubles pair of Diya Chitale and Sreeja Akula stormed into the semi-finals of the WTT Contender here with a hard-fought 3-2 win over Xin Ru Wong and Jian Zeng of Singapore, here on Friday.

Also Read: WTT Contender: Diya-Sreeja outlast Singapore pair in hard-fought quarterfinal

In a battle stretched to the fullest, Sreeja and Diya lost the first game but fought back to win the next two to snatch a 2-1 lead. The Singaporean duo however levelled it all before the Sreeja and Diya showed fine composure to seal it 9-11, 12-10, 11-7, 5-11, 11-8.

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