Indian boxing’s coaching staff set for complete overhaul after Worlds

15 September,2021 07:14 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

It is reliably learnt that the two High Performance Directors Santiago Nieva (for men) and Raffaele Bergamasco (for women) along with the national head coaches CA Kuttappa (men) and Mohammed Ali Qamar (women) are under intense scrutiny at this point

Lovlina Borgohain

Indian boxing's coaching staff could be "completely overhauled" in the next three months depending on how the world championships pan out, a national federation source has told PTI, revealing that there is "dissatisfaction" with the Tokyo Olympics performance.

It is reliably learnt that the two High Performance Directors Santiago Nieva (for men) and Raffaele Bergamasco (for women) along with the national head coaches CA Kuttappa (men) and Mohammed Ali Qamar (women) are under intense scrutiny at this point.

India had its biggest ever boxing team - five men and four women - competing at the Games in July-August, of whom only Lovlina Borgohain could finish on the podium with a bronze medal.

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Lovlina Borgohain Tokyo Olympics boxing sports sports news
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