India’s javelin champ Chopra vows to win Paris Diamond League after finishing second in Doha

12 May,2024 07:19 AM IST |  Doha  |  PTI

The next Diamond League meeting which has men’s javelin as a discipline will be held in Paris on July 7

Neeraj Chopra

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Olympic and world champion javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra vowed to go one step ahead in the next Diamond League meeting after finishing a close second during the Doha leg here. Chopra finished second at the Doha Diamond League as his big final effort of 88.36m fell short by just two centimeters of Jakub Vadlejch's winning effort on Friday night.

Chopra, 26, trailed the veteran Czech - who won the title with his third throw of 88.38m - throughout the competition. Chopra, taking part in his first competition of the season, made a last ditch effort, but the Indian superstar failed to defend the title. Two-time world champion Anderson Peters took the third sport with a throw measuring 86.62m.

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"The most important competition for me this year is Paris Olympics, but Diamond League meetings are important too. This was the opener for me this season, I finished second with a narrow two centimetre margin but next time I will try to draw far and try to win," Chopra said.

The next Diamond League meeting which has men's javelin as a discipline will be held in Paris on July 7.

Chopra also thanked the Indian diaspora in Qatar for supporting him: "The support I am getting from the Indian people here in Qatar is always amazing, there aren't words enough for me to thank them."

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