Lifter Bharali clinches gold at youth worlds

26 May,2024 07:42 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

Ryan McDonald from the United States finished second with a effort of 125-159-284 while Serhii Kotelevskyi of was placed third on 130-153-283

Bedabrat Bharali

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Assam's teenage weightlifter Bedabrat Bharali won the gold medal in the men's 73kg at the IWF World Youth Championships in Lima, Peru.

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Bharali, 17, finished 12kg clear of his competitors with a total lift of 296kg (136 in snatch and 160 in clean and jerk). Last year Bharali, an Asian youth champion, finished third in the 67kg event.

Ryan McDonald from the United States finished second with a effort of 125-159-284 while Serhii Kotelevskyi of was placed third on 130-153-283.

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