Nagal wins Chennai Open, set to enter Top 100

11 February,2024 07:56 AM IST |  Chennai  |  PTI

Nagal’s 6-1, 6-4 win is likely to take him to 98 when the fresh rankings will be issued on Monday

Sumit Nagal

India's top singles player Sumit Nagal on Sunday won his fifth Challenger-level singles title, outplaying Italian Luca Nardi in the final of the Chennai Open - an achievement which will propel him into the top-100 for the first time in his career.

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Nagal's 6-1, 6-4 win is likely to take him to 98 when the fresh rankings will be issued on Monday. Nagal will be first Indian to feature in singles top-100 since left-handed Prajnesh Gunneswaran made the cut in 2019.

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