Novak Djokovic faces deportation after Australia revokes visa

14 January,2022 12:55 PM IST |  Melbourne  |  AP

Djokovic`s lawyers are expected to appeal the cancellation in the Federal Circuit and Family Court as they successfully did after the first cancellation

Novak Djokovic. Pic/ AFP

Tennis star Novak Djokovic faces deportation again after the Australian government revoked his visa for a second time.

Immigration Minister Alex Hawke said Friday he used his ministerial discretion to revoke the 34-year-old Serb's visa on public interest grounds three days before the Australian Open is to begin.

Djokovic's lawyers are expected to appeal the cancellation in the Federal Circuit and Family Court as they successfully did after the first cancellation.

It is the second time Djokovic's visa has been cancelled since he arrived in Melbourne last week to defend his Australian Open title.

His exemption from a COVID-19 vaccination requirement to compete was approved by the Victoria state government and Tennis Australia, the tournament organizer. That apparently allowed him to receive a visa to travel.

But the Australian Border Force rejected the exemption and canceled his visa upon arrival in Melbourne. He spent four nights in hotel detention before a judge on Monday overturned that decision

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