Prime Minister Modi inspired by India’s para athletes

13 September,2021 08:22 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recognised, exhorted, lauded and patted the para athletes for their incredible performance in the Tokyo Paralympics

Narendra Modi. Pic/AFP

Moving swiftly from one table to another, Prime Minister Narendra Modi recognised, exhorted, lauded and patted the para athletes for their incredible performance in the Tokyo Paralympics, telling them that he felt motivated and inspired watching them compete.

Recognising their stellar campaign in Tokyo, which yielded an unprecedented 19 medals, including five gold, Modi said that India's celebrated para athletes have a "lot more to offer" to the country. "I get motivation, inspiration from you all," he said during an interaction on Thursday, the video of which was made public on Sunday.

Also read: Para shuttlers were highly motivated: Coach Khanna

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