Satwik-Chirag look to regain edge as Thailand Open begins

14 May,2024 06:36 AM IST |  Bangkok  |  PTI

The top seeded Indian pair found it a tad difficult to negotiate the variety of serves dished out by the Indonesians and Chinese at the Thomas Cup

Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty. Pic/AP, PTI

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Star shuttlers Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty will look to regain their competitive edge as they spearhead the Indian challenge at the Thailand Open Super 500 tournament, beginning here on Tuesday.

The top seeded Indian pair found it a tad difficult to negotiate the variety of serves dished out by the Indonesians and Chinese at the Thomas Cup. Both shuttlers will look to address the slight drop in their level this week when they begin their campaign against Malaysia's Nur Mohd Azriyn Ayub Azriyn and Tan Wee Kiong.

India's top player in singles, HS Prannoy, a world championships and Asian Games bronze medallist, too will have to find his best footing after being troubled by health issues this season.

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