Check out these platforms for a dose of art, music and hair-care tips

30 October,2022 07:11 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Team SMD

We are not losing hair by the clump in the shower and after brushing. It’s good nutrition for your hair, but patience is key

Instructions on the serum bottle recommend daily application

Curated by Jane Borges, Yusra Husain and Nidhi Lodaya

After dealing with hair-fall for nearly a decade, it's been a bit of a quest to find the product that can reduce, if not stop it. This writer has an oily scalp and weak hair roots… never a great combination. When Hairup Cocktail, a penetrating serum by Personal Touch Skincare, popped up on the shelf, we were quick to give it a shot. It's meant to promote hair growth, and claims to be a reliable solution for "receding and thinning hairline". The price tag of R1,799 for a 50 ml bottle, raised expectations. The instructions recommend applying it every night, but we tried it three days a week, massaging a dropper-full into the scalp. Serums can make your hair slightly greasy, but this one is light. However, our hair felt damp after use… not a pleasant feeling. We've tested it for a month-and-a-half (the box says one can expect results after three months of application), and there has been a drop in hair fall, but not tremendously. We are not losing hair by the clump in the shower and after brushing. It's good nutrition for your hair, but patience is key.

Say it with a painting

Ruchi Chauhan

Scrolling through acrylic artist Ruchi Chauhan's Instagram page, we are tempted to have a customised painting of our own. We adore how lucidly the artist, who left her corporate job behind just before the pandemic in 2019 to become a full-time painter, captures the essence of her subjects. From painting a couple's momentous meeting, to using a star to represent the departed father of a love interest, Chauhan takes a journey with her customers. This is apparent in how special her art feels - a quirky one is a client dancing at a Coldplay concert, a band she's obsessed with. So the next time you are scratching your head about what to gift, turn to Chauhan to transform an abstract idea into art. A small-size canvas (8x10 inches) sells at Rs 5,000.
Call: 9967780386

Master of instruments

Pic/Nikita Borges

Caught in a Parade, is the second extended play (EP) released in October by Pune-based eight-piece independent band Easy Wanderlings. It is indeed a soulful treat to the ear. Through this five-track EP, the band explores themes of modern dating, cancel culture, and being driven by emotions and desires. For someone who has been listening to their previous music, the growth in this album is stark. From indie-pop music to a more cohesive, better produced, composed and recorded music, the band seems to have found a sound, albeit no two songs in this EP were similar sounding. The band used its instruments well, with an almost cinematic flute solo in Centre of Universe to a catchy guitar lick in Makin' My Move. One song, which we felt was in their previous style was Mayflower, which they released in September in collaboration with singer-songwriter Nikhil D'Souza. We liked the violin composition in that one. Makin' My Move, which was released by the band last year, has to be one of our top favourites from the EP. With its retro-pop sound and a catchy dance rhythm, we can't help but groove to the beat.
Available on all streaming platforms

Everything brown and historic

Brown History page's Instagram feed grid

Settled abroad and looking for family roots in South Asia? Instagram account Brown History might be the place. We love that the account is full of stories of heritage and lineage, solidly written to engross the reader in migration, the Partition, love stories and living the Western (American, Canadian) dream of the members of southeast Asia. It pulls you in an anecdotal museum of personal stories and shared histories of a whole mass of people who are not usually documented.
@brownhistory, Instagram

Cornflake girl, it's not

Shruti Haasan in a still from the shoot of She's A Hero

The first thing that struck this writer when she heard Shruti Haasan's new song, She's a Hero, is that she has been inspired by musician Tori Amos. The opening bars are very reminiscent of Amos's 1994 hit, Cornflake Girl. Even Haasan's vocal stylings are paying homage to Amos's haunting voice. That put us off. Even John Mayer paid homage to the greats in his latest album, Sob Rock, but did it in the John Mayer style, which he has honed for many years. Haasan hasn't reached a point where she has a unique style, so the song feels forced. Even MC Altaf's rap seems like you have heard it all before. It's all pleasant enough, so if you like playing safe, take a listen. Or else continue your search for good indie music.
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