Alexa, Google Assistant to be integrated in XBox One

04 June,2018 07:55 PM IST |  San Francisco  |  IANS

The new gaming console is expected to come with a new Digital Assistants menu for users to choose from Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana to control the device using voice commands with

Microsoft is reportedly working with Google Assistant and Amazon's Alexa to support voice commands for the upcoming "Xbox One". The new gaming console is expected to come with a new "Digital Assistants" menu for users to choose from Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana to control the device using voice commands with.

"The full range of features for those assistants remain unknown, but it could bring many voice-assisted features," Windows Central reported on Sunday.

"Microsoft along with Amazon and Google might give some of the voice-assisted dedicated microphone features too," the report added.

Cortana, reportedly will become an "app" for Amazon Echo and probably other speakers.

Former Xbox console marketing lead Albert Penello recently joined Amazon specifically to grow the Echo's presence in gaming.

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