Google brings audio streaming, download quality controls to YouTube Mus

23 September,2018 10:57 PM IST |  San Francisco  |  IANS

Users must have the latest version of the YouTube Music app on Android to be able to get access to these features, the report added

Google is now rolling out audio streaming and download quality controls for YouTube Music on the Android operating system (OS), the media reported.

The latest controls come with newer options in the "Settings" and "Downloads" menu -- low, normal, high and always high -- that would allow users to choose the quality of audio and video content on the platform, keeping in mind their requirements and data constraints.

"Beyond an audiophile's desire for the highest quality sound, adding this setting helps users better manage their data plans when streaming, as well as device storage when queuing songs for offline playback," 9To5Google reported on Saturday.

The search engine officially announced audio streaming and download quality controls along with the promise to adopt a more consistent update cycle for YouTube Music earlier in August and confirmed these features last month.

Users must have the latest version of the YouTube Music app on Android to be able to get access to these features, the report added.

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