The traditional 45 meter Dortmund Christmas tree, one of the world's largest, is illuminated at the Christmas market in Dortmund, western Germany
People attend the Los Angeles County Tree Lighting Ceremony in downtown Los Angeles, California, as the Christmas season begins
Visitors gather around a Christmas tree diplayed at the Spanish Steps, in front of the Trinita dei Monti in Rome
Attendees stand beside an illuminated Art Pavilion at the opening of the Advent Zagreb Christmas market event in Zagreb, Croatia
People take photos of the Christmas tree at the Christmas market at Old Town Square in Prague
Visitors walk past illuminated decorations in the Christmas market celebrating its 30th anniversary and displayed for the first time at the Place des Quinconces in Bordeaux, south-western France
The Christmas tree is illuminated during a light show at the Grand-Place in Brussels to mark the start of the winter and Christmas period
People take pictures in front of an illuminated Christmas tree at a park in Tokyo's Roppongi district